Generic Conventions

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Generic Conventions

Is it the weekend again or are you watching shows and movies to make you a little more relaxed? Well, we all love to watch series, plays, movies and much more whether it's Sunday or Monday. However; many few of us are concerned about the steps, procedures or methods involved in it.

When it comes to the creation of such ideal shows or series, there are plenty of elements involved in it to make them more engaging and interesting. Among many of the components, Generic Conventions are one of them and are widely used. Now, you might be interested in knowing the process, so let's break down your curiosity by disclosing all the relevant information with the help of this blog. So, stay tuned till the end.

What Are Generic Conventions?

So, you must have got an idea that the Generic Conventions are something related to watching series or movies. That's why we are going to make it simple for you by generic conventions of a short story, just like sitting and watching the show only.

  • The first thing you need to do to understand the concept is to imagine any creation or a show you liked the most or have recently seen. Now, think a little bit about the characters and how you are connecting and relating to those characters. What's the one thing that connects you with the background of the story and makes you feel the character of the show.
  • You must have got your answer. There are some elements that make you remember all those incidents again.
  • For generic conventions example: if you have been wondering about the horror movie, then you must have realized that there is darkness or lighting or some horror sound in the background.
  • These elements have created an image in your mind that makes you feel the emotion of the movie. These are only Generic conventions that make you connect with the play.

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Generic Convention Meaning

Before moving further, first, let us tell you about Generic conventions definition, to make you understand in a step by step method. Generic conventions are the components that are used to identify the genre so that the audience or viewer can understand the concept and relate to it.

If you are a student of English literature or concerned with the making of the plays then you must know the concept in and out. That’s why it is advisable to look for assignment writing help for getting a crisp and clear understanding of these conventions.

What’s The Purpose Behind Genre Conventions?

The main idea behind the generic conventions is to inform the reader about the genre of the text for better understanding. It helps the creator to easily draw the picture in the mind of the audience. That's why it is considered the most important tool when it comes to narrating a story.

Types Of Generic Conventions

Definition won’t help you much if you are not familiar with the types of conventions. So, have a read to the below types:

  1. Setting: Like the characters of the story, the setting also plays an important role. The setting is a type of generic where the play is set. They are equally important as the characters of the story. It showcases the idea, tone and emotion of the story or play.
  2. Theme: The theme is considered as the central concept on which the story revolves. Generic conventions examples in literature can be understood and stated by the 'solitude' or 'love'. The theme is not stated directly but it is conveyed through the actions, thoughts, feelings and dialogue of the characters.
  3. Characters: This is the main type of generic convention through which the play is narrated. In a story, a character can be an animal, person or a simple creature. The writers or authors consider characters as the backbone for conveying their message and actions of the entire story. There can be single or multiple characters who can deliver different messages or actions.
  4. Iconography: In this type, the concern is about the science of classification, description, identification of symbols and themes or subject matter in terms of visual art. It also refers to the use of imagery while doing specific work.

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The above are only a few types of conventions, to know more about the students can take assignment help online to know more types like visual style, sound, special effects, cinematography to master the subject.

The student helpline is a one-stop destination for clearing all your doubts and queries. Their team aims to help students in the most possible way. So, don’t hesitate to seek a helping hand from them.

Generic Conventions | Types of Genres

Tragic Comedy Mythology Science fiction
Drama Mystery Action
Tragedy Satire Adventure
Dystopia Fantasy Adventure/Action

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