What Are Transition Words in Essay

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What Are Transition Words in Essay

Writing a piece of the essay was never an easy task for students as it involves a lot of formatting, proper structure, use of good vocabulary, and many more. Students are advised to use different types of words and phrases to make their assignment's essay more engaging and meaningful. The most used words in any writing assignment or essay are Transition Words that give your writing a new shape and add more sense for readers or audience.

Many a times, students are asked to make the best use of words like additionally, firstly, secondly, further, or moving ahead to start the lines with a kick. These words are only considered as Transition words and phrases. Organizing the essay using transition words at the starting of the line puts a great impression on the mind of readers and professors. That's why your chances of getting more grades increase automatically.

Students can write extremely great essays but when it comes to using Transition Phrases, they are left with empty hands. That's why in this blog, we are going to make you familiar with the use and examples of these types of words. For better clarity and justifications stay tuned till the end of the blog.

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Facts About Transitional Phrases

  • Sometimes, you don't only have to write only one word, to modify your sentences in a better way, students are also advised to use transition phrases to frame their sentences.
  • The most common phrase that most of us have been using from our school days is that of 'in conclusion' to summarize and to wind up all the write-up in one go.
  • Moving ahead with your studies, you will realize that you also have to use some subtler or other words to make your writing more effective for readers.

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Types Of Transition Words

The transition words help to express the thoughts of writers in an orderly fashion, forge a connection, clarify vagueness, and demonstrate differences or comparisons.

As they are used in various ways, there are a various types of transitional words waiting for you. However, they are broadly divided into 8 categories that are listed down:

  • To outline or show the timings - Words like after, afterward, as soon as possible, at least at once, finally, immediately, in the meantime, and many others come under the category of time. We can see these types of transition words at the time of narrating some incident or story.
  • For adding ideas in the write-up - Words like furthermore, for one thing, in addition to, moreover, next, likewise showcase that you want to add something in the paragraph.
  • To showcase the places - Transition words like above, below, around, at this time, beyond, from here, in front of, next to, on the other side are examples to outline a place in content.
  • To explain a concept or idea - This type is most commonly used by all of us, for instance, for example, in other words, in particular, such as and many more. Words like this are used at the time of giving examples or explaining something.
  • To compare and contrast ideas or concepts - however, in contrast, differently, in spite of, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, and many more to list are words to compare and contrast your writings.
  • For declaring results - consequently, as a result, hence, for that reason, therefore, thus, accordingly are used to give some insights on results.
  • To emphasize a concept - especially, above all, in fact, indeed, most important is used to emphasize an idea, thought or a concept in your writings.
  • To summarize or to wind up the content - finally, in brief, on the whole, in other words, to some up, as has been noted.

The categories remain the same but there are a lot of words like this that are still new for students. That's why they can take essay help to broaden their knowledge of such words. This will help you for a longer period.

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When To Make The Use Of Transitional Words?

This is the most frequently asked question of this whole concept. Many students are well versed with such types of words but they have very little clue of how to use them or when to use them.

Let us give you a brief:

  • During your school days, you were probably asked to put all transition words at the starting of some sentences. However, this is not only where we can add these types of words.
  • Generally, it is assumed that the transitions words or phrases are the crux of a particular sentence. From this point only, your sentence meaning will be outlined.
  • Not every sentence of your essay starts with these words, but whenever they do, they become critical to its statement or statement.

By using transitions between sentences and paragraphs your writing improves to a great extent and hence, improves your marks or overall academic performance.

If you still have any confusion or doubt or have the curiosity to get familiar with more such words, then Homework Help is not so far away from you. The team of The Student Helpline is just standing in front of you to help you from sinking into the trap of such words.

So, take a step ahead and connect our team now!

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