MIT Supplemental Essays

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MIT Supplemental Essays

How To Write MIT Supplemental Essays? Prompts, Tips And Samples

MIT Supplemental Essays comprise of 5 required essays and 4 optional essays. The 5 required MIT essays cover the topics that youve likely already anticipated: your intended major, a favorite hobby, an unexpected aspect of your educational journey, your collaboration skills, and managing a challenge.

The remaining 4 optional short essays cover any extenuating circumstances in your academic career, if any. These are truly optional, you should only write these essays if you really have something to say, dont make it up.

Important Points To Remember While Writing MIT Application Essays

Important Points To Writing MIT Application Essays

MIT application essays are super easy to answer, there are certain points you need to keep in mind.

  • Be original, be yourself that is the most important part. Dont over-exaggerate and overdo it.
  • Be honest but also be smart. If you only look at instagram reels, dont add that as a hobby, change your approach.
  • Before answering MIT application essays, refer to the MIT supplemental essays sample examples.
  • MIT essays enables MIT admissions panel to see how youve challenged yourself so far, and how you managed yourself to overcome that particular challenge. Your confidence, leadership skills, inter and intra communication skills and how these challenges effected your intellect, creativity and personality is what they want to find out.
  • Try not to exceed the given word limit. Be specific, dont wander off the track, be dramatic, but stay on point.

How To Answer MIT Essay Prompt?

The required MIT essay prompts are those prompts that are mandatory to be answered. Do brainstorm carefully before answering them, because what you answer will eventually reflect in your personality. The 5 required prompts are:

1. MIT essay prompt 1 (Required): What field of study appeals to you the most right now? (Note: Applicants select from a drop-down list). Tell us more about why this field of study at MIT appeals to you. (100 words)

  • What to include?

MIT short essay prompt 1 must include

  1. Demonstrate your passion for the major you have chosen.
  2. Integrate your past and present studies and interests seamlessly with your future with MIT and long-term academic and professional goals.
  3. Address specifically why MIT- the campus, resources, faculty, programs and opportunities.

2. MIT short essay prompt 2 (Required): We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it. (150 words)

  • What to include?
    MIT short essay prompt 2 must include
  1. Showcase something new about your personality.
  2. Give specific examples to show why you like the activity.
  3. Do add the qualities this activity adds to your overall personality and tell them how this activity makes you a better person.

3. MIT application essay prompt 3 (Required): While some reach their goals following a well-trodden path, others blaze their own trail achieving the unexpected. In what ways have you done something different than what was expected in your educational journey? (225 words)

  • How to deliver a strong response?
    While writing MIT application essay prompt 3 make sure you
  1. Be specific, focus on a single, clear example of how you did something different or unexpected.
  2. Highlight your initiative, show them you leadership skills, your stubbornness regarding how you solved that problem without giving up.
  3. Reflect on how this incident helped you grow intellectually, creatively and personally.

4. MIT essays prompt 4 (Required): MIT brings people with diverse backgrounds together to collaborate, from tackling the worlds biggest challenges to lending a helping hand. Describe one way you have collaborated with others to learn from them, with them, or contribute to your community together. (200 words)

  • What should be the target approach?
    While writing MIT essays prompt 4 make sure you
  1. Demonstrate a different set of values.
  2. MIT wants to know how you tackled people, colleagues, and friends, even seniors with different view-points or backgrounds.
  3. Talk about an extracurricular activity or community service youve been a part of.

5. MIT supplementals prompt 5 (Required): How did you manage a situation or challenge that you didnt expect? What did you learn from it? (225 words)

  • What to include?
    While writing MIT supplementals prompt 5 make sure you
  1. Why was this challenge so important to you?
  2. Your reaction matters, MIT wants to know how you reacted to a sudden crisis.
  3. How did you manage the situation? Was it successful or not? If not? Why? Try to reflect on your mistakes and mention your gains.
  4. Mention the points and values that this incident added to your personality.

What Are The Optional MIT Application Questions?

The optional MIT essay questions are those prompts that are entirely optional. In general you can skip these, but it is advisable to answer them, other than prompt 6. All the other prompts, other than prompt 6 are more focused and narrative essay. The 4 optional prompts are:

  • MIT essays prompt 1 (Optional): No application can meet the needs of every individual. If there is significant information that you were not able to include elsewhere in the application, you may include it here. (Its okay if you leave this section blank) (300 words)
  • MIT application essays prompt 2 (Optional): If you have additional information about your family that you think is important for us to know, please include it here. (100 words)
  • MIT short essay prompt 3 (Optional): If theres anything we should know about your schools course offerings, extenuating circumstance regarding your coursework, or schools grading system, please use the space below. (250 words)
  • MIT supplements prompt 4 (Optional): We understand that sometimes things outside your control impact your ability to complete tests to the best of your ability. If you have an extenuating circumstance, such as exam cancellations or illness, please let us know here. (150 words)

MIT Supplemental Essays That Worked For Students So Far

Here are a few sample examples of the MIT supplemental essays that were submitted, that worked.

  • MIT sample essay 1

My decision to major in Electrical Engineering was inspired by my desire to improve security through technology. In my childhood my cousins restaurant was robbed as their security system lacked advancements. Post that incident, I developed an interest on how to make any security system formidable. That influence has led me here and has inspired me to contribute to security innovations for larger companies, and perhaps, one day national security (70 words)

  • MIT college essay example2

I love writing, writing is my passion. As a kid I was shy and always the last person approached in a room full of people. In a world where making friends was difficult, I put my faith in pen and paper, since I had no one to talk to. The pen and paper know me, my deepest secrets, my most passionate desires, my most lethal thoughts and how I see the world from my retrospective. Last year I also published a novel under my name, its called ‘DESTINED TO DIE. I like to write something every day, it helps me sleep well, and all my bottled-up thoughts dissolve with time making me feel lighter. Ive been penning down my thoughts for a very long time now. I like the way Ive grown as a writer, I can feel it in my soul that I am a better human being than I was before (148 words)

  • MIT essay example 3

When I was in my first year, I was assigned a project on the impact of technology on daily life, and I decided to build a working prototype of an automated home system. I had no prior knowledge of coding in python and how sensors work around them, but that didnt stop me from achieving my goals.

I spent weeks teaching myself how to code in python and how to wire sensors to detect motion and light. After countless trials and errors, finally I built an automated home system that would sense motion and manipulate the lights.

In that moment I realized that I am one of those people who isnt afraid of self-learning and can do it at will. (120 words)

  • MIT college essay example 4

When I was pursuing Bachelors in Computer Applications, during my third semester I was assigned a project that involved python as the core language and the use of raspberry pi. My university had tie-ups with foreign countries and every now and then foreign students would come to our university essay for studies and some of our students would travel to foreign countries for a year.

The student assigned to me was from Nigeria, a tall guy with no prior knowledge about python. At first, it seemed kind of impossible but I took it as a challenge, a challenge that had to be dealt with sensibly. I took the guy to a cool restaurant, made genuine conversations with him, trying to attune myself with him. I had to break the demographic barrier, the regional differences so that we could work as one unit. Gladly, this trick worked, the hesitation left the room, and we worked smoothly without having to cause any unnecessary fights. Not only that, our project was the most applauded project, all the teachers and the students appreciated our work.

This incident not only brought challenges but also gave me an opportunity work with someone I wouldve never worked with. It was an amazing experience and I am glad he felt the same about this too. (198 words)

  • MIT application essays example 5

It was my first school championship. I was the captain of my schools basketball team when I was in 11th. The highlight was that I was the only junior playing in the team, all the other players including the bench were in 12th, and still I was named the captain by our coach. We were two steps away from lifting the trophy, but in my semi-final match while attempting a block, I jumped and couldnt control my fall and dislocated my right shoulder. I was taken to the nearest trauma center where the physiotherapist fixed my arm but strictly denied me to play for at least 4 months. I remember I cried all week, because I had worked so hard with my team to reach where we stood.

But I had something else in my mind, I wanted to play the finals at any cost and so I requested my coach to let me play, let me be in the court. Being right hand dominant, I decided to play with my left hand and stay away from trouble. I just winged the game, initiated moves, made everyone play together and as a result we won the tournament.

I still remember my seniors lifting me up on their shoulders. Someone took a picture of us which I dont have with me but some moments dont need capturing, for they are always with you and this was one such moment, where I was proud of myself that I didnt give up. (220 words)

  • MIT short essays example 6

Being the oldest of four siblings in a single-parent household comes with its own challenges. I had to tutor my siblings, look after my mother and help her with daily chores. I worked part-time at a tuition institute and managed my studies simultaneously. The added weight of these responsibilities made me a good academic essay, inspired me to work hard so that I can set an example for my siblings. These experiences have shaped my time management skills, leadership skills and taught me that family is the most important thing in the world. (91 words)

Where To Get your MIT Supplemental Essays Edited?

For those seeking assistance for their MIT essays, The Student Helplines expert MIT application essay writing service is here to help, their team of skilled essay writers is dedicated to providing the guidance you need to craft compelling and impactful essays that will surely boost your candidature prospects. Whether youre looking for advice or full support, The Student Helpline is here to help and will ensure that you receive the best MIT application questions help available.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding MIT Supplemental Essays

How many supplemental essays does MIT have?

Nine, MIT supplemental essays have 9 prompts in total, five of them are required and four of them are optional. The word limit for required essays ranges from 150-300 and these are mandatory to be answered whereas optional essays can be skipped. Although it is advisable to answer optional essays as well.

How to answer MIT supplemental essays?

One must answer the MIT essays with honesty. The recruiting panel at MIT wants to learn some aspects of your lives and they want you to be realistic. The question are easy, yet they have the ability to trick you. In case you need assistance or guidance on how to tackle MIT application essays, reach out to The Student Helpline. Their skilled essay writers will guide you the best.

How to write MIT supplemental essays?

Unlike any other statement of purpose, MIT supplemental essays are different. Their prompts look easy but you need to brainstorm ideas before answering them. You need to present before them a short, brief storyline that portrays your overall development. To learn the tricks regarding how to answer the MIT essays, contact The Student Helpline.

What are the MIT essay prompts designed to do?

The MIT essay prompts help the admissions panel to know you in a way that grades and test scores cant. To know more about the MIT essay prompts, check out The Student Helpline. They will provide you the best solutions available and clear all your doubts.

What are the word limits for each MIT essay prompt?

100-300 words each. The word limit regarding the MIT essay prompt ranges from 100-300 words each. Try to write within the word limit since exceeding limit is considered to be a serious mishap according to MIT.

What are some tips to tackle the MIT essay questions?

MIT essay questions are not very intimidating in general, but can be a bit problematic. Try avoiding prestige, past salaries and your parents desires as reason for choosing you major in MIT. Learn more tricks with The Student Helpline.

What do the 5 required MIT essay questions cover?

The 5 require MIT essay questions cover basic topics; your intended major, your favorite hobby, an unexpected aspect of your educational journey, your collaboration skills and managing a challenge.

Where can I learn more about MIT supplemental essays?

You can learn more about MIT supplemental essays with The Student Helpline. They will assist you better regarding MIT essays and provide all the aid you need.

Where can I get the best MIT essay writing services?

To avail the best MIT essay services, contact The Student Helpline. The skilled essay writers of The Student Helpline will assist you and edit your MIT essays for you. Having more than 10+ years of expertise in essay writing and providing help to a number of MIT applicants The Student Helpline will provide you the best services.

What is the structure of an MIT supplemental essay?

There is no said structure for an MIT essay, however you must keep a structure in your mind and draft the answers accordingly. The word limit window is small and brief and so answering these prompts require a

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