Concept Of Teel Paragraph

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Concept Of Teel Paragraph

Did we hear it right that you have to submit your writings again in the upcoming week? Are you again confused and lost your way of writing a perfect paragraph so that your audience can give you a standing ovation?

You don't have to look back at your school notes about your writings, as we have covered all your major issues here.

By the end of this blog, you can take a breath of relief about your writing paragraph. However, in case you still struggle with any writing issues, then assignments experts are there to help you.

By following a proper structure, your thoughts will get arranged systematically. One of the most used structures is the teel paragraph that you will learn further in this blog.

What Is A Teel Paragraph?

Teel paragraph structure is a way to organize your write-ups in a systematic way. Teel paragraph stands for the following:

  1. T - topic sentence
  2. E - explanation
  3. E - evidence
  4. L - link

Each element of teel paragraph shows how various sentences are put together while writing a paragraph.

Your paragraph or essay starts with giving an eye-catching and engaging topic, and then you introduce your topic to your audience. While explaining the point of view, the writer is expected to support it by providing evidence and connecting all the dots beautifully.

Now, it becomes clear that a teel paragraph is nothing but a simple structure that you must follow while writing.

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How To Write A Teel Paragraph - Ways

By understanding the definition of teel paragraph, you are halfway there to write an effective paragraph, but you must know the exact way of structuring your paragraph, so here you go:

Topic sentence - Selecting and framing your topic is the first thing to do while writing your paragraph.

  • The most important sentence of your entire paragraph is your topic.
  • It should be engaging and fact-based so that more people will engage with your writings.
  • By your topic sentence, the purpose and meaning of your writing should be crisp and clear.
  • Your teel structure topic sentence should open news door for arguments that you can explain further in your paragraph.
  • Your topic will give direction to each sentence of your content, so frame it wisely.

Explanation - The next element that tops the list is a detailed explanation of your topic.

  • At the starting of your paragraph, you should give a detailed explanation so that the readers can know your argumentative point of view.
  • First, it is advisable to collect your thoughts in one place before writing, as making notes will allow you to cover all the valid points.
  • Do your research if needed. 

Evidence - once you have put your thoughts before your audience, it is necessary to support them with proof. Your teel writing with evidence will be more engaging.

  • Your audience will know that your thoughts are valid and suitable to believe by going through the evidence.
  • If you have chosen your topic yourself, then looking for evidence is more effortless, and if not, take your time and support with the best.

Link - It's essential to link all the sentences together of your essay or paragraph.

  • Linkage of sentences is another type of conclusion for your evidence.
  • The linkage sentence summarizes the whole paragraph in two to three starting lines.
  • Once you have put it all together in a well-organized structure and format, get ready to get a lot of appraisal from your audience.

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What Does A Teel Paragraph Include?

There are always a set of rules waiting for you. So, how can a writer frame teel paragraphs without following the below rules :

  • Your content should be about one topic only.
  • It's better to write four to five sections depending on the length of your writeup.
  • Each paragraph should be at least half a page long.
  • Brainstorm your thoughts and ideas before writing and get sticky notes handy to remember all the essential points.
  • Make sure to use formal language to show the professionalism of your writings.
  • It's normal for everyone to make mistakes while writing, So don't forget to proofread your entire content at the last minute once again. A write-up without any errors or mistakes shows your seriousness towards your writing.

Useful Blog: Response Essay Topics

Examples Of Teel structure

You can have a look at the below paragraph to check on how effective the Teel Structure for Essay Paragraph Writing looks like: 

Every line has been framed in this paragraph, keeping the teel structure in mind. The yellow colour is the topic sentence; red is to explain, blue supports the evidence, and pink links the whole paragraph.

Examples and samples give a bigger picture of the concepts; you can ask essay help to become your supporter while framing your sentences.

We have also tried to address your few questions related to the essay structure teel, and here they are:

How To Start A Teel Paragraph?

Not only a teel paragraph, but almost every paragraph and essay starts with a topic. Without a catchy topic, the writers themselves will remain clueless. When you begin a paragraph with a proper introduction and topic, it directs your entire content.

What's The Use Of Teel Paragraph In Essay?

Using a proper structure, arrange your headings and subheadings in an organized manner. That's why it becomes easy for readers to go through your content.

We hope all your doubts and queries regarding the teel structure have faded away by the end of this blog. As it is said, success can't be achieved alone, so don't think twice before looking for your helping hand.

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