Why Do Students Fail In The Examination

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Why Do Students Fail In The Examination

Nowadays mostly students do not take studies seriously just because of our education system. Present education system is not that capable that is required to beat today's competition. One factor is also very common among the students is fear of failure but they should understand that you just have to give your full effort. Overconfidence is also one of the biggest reasons that is making students unable to perform in the examination. Most students' mind-sets have become negative with respect to studies because they are feeling this reality but they should know that education is not only for earning money but it is also very useful in life. The students also have to know the importance of time, as it is said that once time is gone, everything is gone. There are some points that majorly impact:

Lack Of Preparation

  • Most students do not study to beat any competition; they start their examination preparation just before the examination day.
  • They should be given proper guidance so that they can understand the importance of education in their life.
  • Teachers and students both will have to understand that this is the golden time when they can make their life better.

Lack Of Effort

  • These kinds of students are slow learners who never give full effort to accomplish their work.
  • These kinds of students always get lowest marks because they do not understand the usage of education in their personal life. That is why they do not take studies seriously.
  • Many teachers are available to give extra time so that these kinds of students can understand those topics in which they are weak but till the time they will not start understanding the seriousness from within, nothing is going to change.

An Absence Of Motivation And Interest

  • This is the time of technology where every student is affected by mobile, Internet, IPod and many more things that are related to technology.
  • It is important to inspire them to work hard and this is only possible when they should be given some motivational lessons. So it becomes important to the mentors and teachers to inspire them.
  • Motivation is not a permanent thing; it comes and goes with time.

Lack Of Perseverance

  • As it is said that 'readers are the leaders', that means you never stop learning. Learning will always give you some reward.
  • You should not take life easy because life demands struggle and the struggle you will face today will be the pleasure for tomorrow.
  • If your priorities have changed in your life, you should still study for some time.

Personality Issues

  • Personality cannot be changed in a day; it is a time taking process.
  • This issue is related to society because we people live in a society where everyone is connected to each other.
  • Upbringing of a student also matters a lot.
  • School administration can also organize seminars where they can invite parents of the students so that teachers can suggest pros and cons ofstudents.
  • Active learners are always considered to be the best learners, so teachers have to indicate all personality traits of students.

Poor Educational System

  • Our education system is not structured professionally, we are following a conventional pattern of studies that is not worthwhile in this competitive era where everyone is running behind money but they should not forget the importance of education, money will only come in when you get educated.
  • Behaviour of teachers can also be a reason for the poor educational system.
  • Teachers should make a study roadmap for the students so that they can easily follow the study path.
  • To improve educational institutes, we will have to reframe education policy first.

Lazy Mentality

  • Studies require hard work but most students do not want to work hard because they did not get any chance to know the importance of education.
  • Students should be ready and active to learn anything that is being taught in schools.

Lack Of Thinking Skill

  • Innovation is only possible when you will inculcate thinking skill in your personality. Lack of thinking skill can give you impetus to excel in life.
  • Most students fail in applied subjects just because they do not have good thinking skills.
  • Teachers should try to inculcate critical thinking in students because it is significant to make them understand critical thinking.
  • Critical thinking gives the ability to think and analyse any subject, this is how a student adapts it in his personality.


  • Procrastination is never good for students when it comes to learning a lesson, you always try to procrastinate but you have to understand that it is psychological. Your brain requires stimulus to inspire, it is up to you how you train your brain, positively or negatively.
  • Leaving the schedule of lessons on another day would end up putting your work pressure high.
  • Do not take any chances to study later; you should make your study plan on a daily basis.
  • Identifying the problems faced by the students is also the responsibility of teachers.

If students want to pursue their graduation or schooling without any fail then they will have to study hard because without education they cannot do anything big in their life. The students who want academic assignment help can search online in AU; there are many writing service providers available at reasonable cost. Most students do not see reviews given by the real clients and one thing is also important to keep in mind that the customer service of the writing service provider because most of the service providers do not give the option of 24*7 customer service help that is not good for clients because they are paying for that service. Nowadays most service providers are giving their services at competitive cost.

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