What Is Porosity

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What Is Porosity

It is the ratio of the volume of pores which is denoted in percentage. If any object has some space in it that means it is a porus object and when we measure it then it known as porosity. It is measured on a scale from zero to hundred.

It is completely controlled by the particular pore types. Most porosity found in the basic pore types like AL, MP and GEP. The last two components do not support much in porosity network.

What Are The Four Types Of Porosity?

Porosity is the analysis of pores in a rock which give the information about the gaps in rock bodies. It categorized into four types.

  • Micro porosity
  • Fracture porosity
  • Intergranular(Primary)
  • Dissolution fracture(secondary)

Intergranular porosity: Intergranular fracture is also known as intergranular cracking. It is based on the displacement. Intergranular and Trans granular cracking both are important in the study of rock analysis. We should thank to microscopy technology. It is the technology which helped a lot in studying the rocks and stones. There have been several studies conducted till date with respect to intergranular and Tran's granular cracking. There have been many computational studies conducted in which one is Finite Element Method (FEM) which tells us the fracture and cracking of the rock body. There is another method used in studying the Trans granular method is known as finite element method.

There are many 2D models as well as 3D model have been developed which can help you in understanding the Trans granular structure of rock. With the help of phased field method, we understand also understand the intergranular and Tran granular structure of the rock body.

Micro porosity: It is the part of that pore which contains very less space. It contains dimension less than 1 micron. This concept can be understood by the example of water because water does not have much gap in its molecule that is why it known as capillary bound water, hence we can say that the water cannot flow through micro pores. Hence it is also known as porosity. Porosity cannot be seen from our eyes which less than 50x.

Fracture Porosity: It is known as secondary porosity. It is the result of tectonic fracturing of rocks. Basically they do not have to too much volume however, they join with the pre-existing pores, and hence they become the reasons of enhancing the permeability in the rich structure. Permeability is known as the limited opening of the fracture that is also known as the mechanical aperture. That is why this kind of fracture of roughness creates hurdle in the path of liquids.

Dissolution fracture porosity: Dissolution fracture is found in cape rocks. Fracture evolution is stimulated by mineral heterogeneity. Dissolution fracture is found when we drill to find the shell gas in the carbonate rocks which is known as hydraulic fracturing.

What Is Total Porosity?

It is total space found in rock structure. However, there is no practical way to measure the volume of space in the rock. The technique used by the engineers to dry the rock can close the pores of the rock body. In the process of drying the rocks, engineers usually find that the rocks dried by the oven are higher than rocks dried by the humidity.

What Is Effective Porosity?

Oven dried porosity is considered as the effective porosity whereas humidity dried rocks have more pores.

What Is The Effect Of Pressure On Porosity?

As pressure impacts everything, hence we can say that the effect of pressure on porosity is also an important factor. As pressure increases the porosity decreases. This is how we can say that the porosity is stress driven.

What Are The Uses Of These Technologies In Contemporary Times?

Nowadays technologies like dissolution fracture technology and fracturing technologies have been using to excavate the different kinds of gasses from the different kinds of rocks. This is called as shale gas and the technology which use is known as leveraging technology. This technology is most used in shale industry to pull out oil and gas to fulfil the energy need of the increasing population of the world. Nowadays, as our population inincresing so we are facing the world crisis of energy that is why we have been able find little technological advancement like we are using hydraulic fracturing to find natural gas and oil from rocks. Basically with the help of this technology we have been able to excavate the gas and oil from aquatic rocks. Basically these are found from carbonate rocks which mainly found in oceans.

What Is The Importance Of Porosity In Construction?

Porosity is the analysis of gap in a rock structure. These gaps are basically the unfilled gaps which make a rock body weaker. That is why these can affect the thermal conductivity and weight of the rock system. Pores in the rock system gives space to the water to run through it which helpful in controlling the storm water runoff, hence it good for those areas where erosion usually takes place. Porosity helps in forming the foam in the rock system which becomes the determinant of temperature transfer of the material.

Porosity of soil is also helps in decreasing the holding capacity of soil that is why soil erosion takes place, so we can say that the importance of porosity plays significant role in accumulation of soil. Porosity of soil also make the soil weaker which give impetus to water flow easily whereas nonporous soil like clay and products made with clay and silt do not create pores, hence we flow of water cannot take place in these materials.

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Porosity is Used in Multiple Fields, including:

Grain shape Pharmaceutics Systems Engineering
Ceramics Metallurgy Materials
Grain size distribution Manufacturing Compaction
Earth sciences Soil mechanics Engineering

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