What Are Research Limitations

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What Are Research Limitations

Every research has its some limitations and students need to mention acknowledgement of the research in the conclusion part of the research paper. As it would be better to acknowledge all the drawbacks of the research paper and it would also be good to mention how these limitations have impacted your research findings. Students should only mention those limitations which have some relation to their research. Following are some examples of research limitations.

  • Data collection method: As students do not have much expertise in data gathering, hence they committee some mistakes while writing the research paper.
  • Sample Size: It varies as per the nature of research because small sample size cannot establish bonding with data which will create inaccurate results in research paper, hence it is always recommended to give a base of large sample to find more refined results.
  • Lack of Previous Studies: As literature review is an inseparable part of a research paper because it can help you in your research paper, if research has been conducted previously on that topic then it will be helpful to your research but when you do not get enough material on that it becomes a limitation for your research paper.
  • Scope of Discussion: As students do not have so much experience of research, hence scope of discussion becomes compromised.

What Is Scope And Limitation Research?

Scope and limitation both the terms are used to describe the research project. Researchers use the term scope to address the issue in the research. Limitation is stated to mention the constraints which impact the ability to research in the research paper. Limitations in research papers are considered for those areas where research needs to be done. There are few points which are considered as limitations in a research paper.

  • Issue with sample selection is an example of research limitation.
  • Problem with sample size.
  • Many Times researchers do not get research material on a particular topic, hence that becomes a research limitation in the research paper.
  • The technology used to collect the research information also has some limitations.
  • Lack of financial resources is also considered as a limitation in the research process.
  • Whatever is possible to do in the research paper is considered under research scope.
  • Scope in research shows that in which direction you want to do your research and how far you can take out your research.

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What Is The Delimitation Of The Study?

Delimitation in research shows how in-depth is your research to answer the research questions in the research paper. That means those factors which you can consider in your research are the delimitation for your research study. Following are some points which give an idea about the delimitation of study.

  • To Decide the Topic and Boundaries of Your Research: delimitation gives an idea to decide the limit of research.
  • Delimitations of the study are what you decide for your research like what will be the duration of your study, what will be the population size and which types of people will participate in the research study.

What Is The Scope And Delimitation Of The Study?

Scope in research means which kind of information and subject is to be analysed and delimitation in research is the description of the scope of research study. With the help of scope and delimitation, researchers tell what is to be studied and what is to be excluded.

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What Is The Strength Of Quantitative Research?

Quantitative research provides important information like which kind of people live in a particular area, what is their culture and what is the market size for their business, hence we can say that quantitative research is very helpful in business decisions.

What Is The Weakness Of Qualitative Research?

Qualitative research has some weaknesses like researchers getting small sample size, biased answers as it is based on people's opinion, and asking poor questions by the researchers because most of them lack appropriate knowledge about their topic of research.

What Are The Examples Of Scope And Delimitation?

There are some examples of scope and delimitation.

  • Research objective
  • Target Population
  • Research Questions
  • Research Variables

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