Does Smoking Cause Malignancies Or Tumour

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Does Smoking Cause Malignancies Or Tumour

Smoking Can Develop Into Malignancies

Malignancy refers to the condition in which a disease gradually increases in its severity. While cancer is a family of diseases and is characterised by malignant cells or tumours, the term malignancy is used to describe the condition in which the disease gets worse progressively because the cells and tissues have the ability to grow excessively and often into adjacent tissues and organs. A tumour can be either malignant or benign in nature, and malignant tumours are cancerous.

Apart from cancer, cardiovascular diseases and neurological disorders can also be malignant, meaning that they can progressively get worse and even cause heart failure. The most common form of malignant cancer found in the human body based on the mortality rate is lung cancer.

It is common knowledge that doctoral studies and research on malignancies is a constantly evolving field of work. Due to the nature of malignant diseases, researchers must persistently develop and discover new treatment methods. In Sweden, prostate cancer is the most commonly found cancer in males. The researchers in the field are currently dedicated to developing better treatment processes that involve new medicines with increased efficiency. Subsequently, they seek funding to develop the proposed methods that can be used in current medical institutions and for future treatments.

During doctoral studies, one might often find classroom submissions and assignments tiring, and therefore, we should seek medical assignment help and actively engage in group discussions among friends and classmates.

Malignant Neoplasm And Where They Originate In The Body

Malignant neoplasms are characterised by abnormal growth of tissues and are commonly observed in cancer. Collectively, malignant neoplasms are known as cancer. The four main kinds of cancer, based on where the malignancies originate, are discussed.

  • Carcinomas: Originate in the outer layer of organs (in skins or tissues). They are the most common form of cancer; examples are breast, lung, and prostate cancer.
  • Lymphomas: Malignant lymphomas are found in the lymphatic system, which constitutes the body's disease-fighting system, such as the lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow.
  • Leukaemias: Occurs in the bloodstream when blood cells grow abnormally. Examples of leukaemias are lymphocytic leukaemia and myeloid leukaemia.
  • Sarcomas: Is found in the tissues apart from the organs, such as fat, muscles and nerves.

Depending on the stage and type of cancer, it may be treatable or managed by the procedures mentioned in the following section.

Cancer: A Malignant Disease And Its Treatment Procedures

  • Surgery: Is used to determine and locate the malignant cells and tissues to treat or manage the disease. In the treatment process, the organ or the tissues that are affected are located and removed from the body.
  • Photodynamic Therapy: The drug HPD (Hematoporphyrin derivative) is used in the procedure due to its ability to accumulate in malignant tissues. Following this, it is activated, causing the formation of singlet oxygen which eradicates the malignancies. It has been known to remove malignancies in various organs, including the breast and colon.
  • Hyperthermia: Heat is used to kill malignant cells and tissues. When used with other treatment procedures such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, hyperthermia makes removing or killing malignant cells easier.
  • Chemotherapy: Is a kind of treatment usually combined with other forms of treatment and uses cytotoxic drugs in the process. Cytotoxic drugs are medicines which can kill living cells. Hence the range of side effects is vast in this kind of treatment because of the damage caused to healthy tissues and cells.

The study of treatments is imperative for efficient Nursing assignment help because the treatment processes may affect the normal cells during the treatment and have significant side effects.

Are Malignant Tumours And Other Forms Of Cancer Contagious?

There are several myths about cancer. One of the myths is that cancer is contagious, which is impossible, as cancer cannot spread from one person to another. Often, family members develop similar cancer cases due to the sharing of genes (not the spreading of cancerous cells or tissues) which may lead to the development of malignant tumours or malignancies over a person's lifetime.

The different types of malignant tumours are malignant soft tissue tumours, organ tumours such as lung cancer, brain, bone, and ovarian germ cell tumours. The general symptoms of the development of malignant tumours or other forms of cancer include but are not limited to headaches or bone aches, weight loss, severe fatigue, unusual bleeding in stool, cough or urine and an increase in healing time of bruises.

Lung Cancer: A Malignant Cancer And Its Risk Factors

It is common for malignant cancers to spread within a human body by growing and subsequently being transferred through the lymphatic system or the bloodstream, which is known as metastasis. One of the first places that malignant tumours spread to is the lymph nodes located in different parts of the body and help fight diseases and infections.

Risk factors describe the reasons for the development of certain malignancies in some people and not others. The specific factors and reasons are not easy to determine. Some of the possible risk factors for cancer are (i) exposure to radiation, (ii) diet, (iii) changes or growth in hormones, and (iv) exposure to chemicals. It is possible to conduct further research on this topic with assignment experts who can also help deliver assignments and dissertations.

The two main leading factors for lung cancer are tobacco smoke and radon. A person who is a regular cigarette smoker is significantly more likely to develop malignant tissues or cells in the lungs as compared to a person who doesn't. Tobacco smoke is a mix of thousands of chemicals, a few of which are known carcinogens or cancer-causing substances such as aromatic amines, benzene and ethylene oxides. Causes for lung cancer deaths in the US were recorded, and it was found that at least 80 percent of the deaths were caused by cigarette smoking.

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