NURS5081 Introduction To Nursing Practice Question:
Case Study
The purpose of this assessment is to identify and discuss nursing, ethical and legal issues that can arise in practice. You must select one of the two case studies (see below) and apply the Ethical Decision-Making Framework (Kerridge, et al., 2013).
This academic paper needs to be written in sentences and paragraphs, not in note form, and your writing needs to be supported by academic references. Do not use dot points.
Note: Use the following headings from Kerridges Decision-Making Framework (adapted).
Section 1 Introduction
State The Ethical Problem:
Offer a brief summary of the issue. What is the main problem? What is the ethical dilemma? Consider ethical, medical, social, and legal perspectives. What appears (prima facie) to be the legal issues? For example, is it the application of an Advance Directive or informed consent?
Section 2 Get The Facts:
Find out as much as you can about the problem. What is the medical problem (current and history)? Are there any relevant tests or investigations? What is the pathophysiology of the disease? What is the prognosis, and what are the implications? Is any other treatment available? Are there any psychological/social (family) issues that are impacting the situation? Who are the relevant people? Who will be affected by the decision?
Section 3 Consider The Four Ethical Principles:
Autonomy: Define autonomy and then consider the following questions in relation to your selected case study:
- Is the person mentally capable and legally competent?
- Is there evidence of incapacity?
- If competent, what is the person stating about preferences for treatment/intervention?
- Has the person been informed of benefits and risks, understood the information, and given consent?
- If incapacitated, who is the appropriate substitute decision-maker?
- Has the person expressed prior preferences? (e.g. Health Care Directive or has stated verbally). Is the person unwilling/unable to participate in medical treatment/interventions? If so, why?
Beneficence: Define beneficence. What benefits can be obtained for the patient in your selected case study?
Non-maleficence: Define non-maleficence. What are the risks and how can they be avoided for the patient in your case study?
Justice: Define Justice. How are the interests of different parties to be balanced in your selected case study?
Section 4 Identify Ethical Conflicts:
Identify what the ethical conflicts are. Explain why the conflicts occur and how they may be resolved in your selected case study. Refer to the International Council of Nursing Assignment Code of Ethics (2012) in this section.
Section 5 Consider The Law:
Identify relevant legal concepts and laws and how they might guide management. Consider the registered nurse Standards for Practice (Nurses and Midwifery Board of Australia {NMBA} Standards, 2016) and how they apply to the case study. How does duty of care apply to the patient?
Section 6 Make An Ethical Decision:
Why is your chosen option the best approach? Clearly state the clinical ethical decision and justify it. Specify how guiding ethical principles were balanced and why (i.e. justify the decision). Use the information you have in the Law and Get the Facts section to support the decision (ensure it is evidenced based).
Section 7 Evaluation Of The Decision, Identify A Way Forward:
Identify the strategies that could be adopted to resolve any conflict that exists (i.e. family issues) using an inter-professional approach.
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