Assessment Description And Advice
Please access the learning materials on the CANVAS topic to help with assessment and seek support if you need to clarify.
Notes For Portfolio Completion:
You are required to produce an e-portfolio demonstrating your learning at university. Your final e-portfolio should be completed as a single word document containing the three tasks and supporting documentation as appendices. Complete a contents page with an appendix list and complete a reference list for all references contained within your portfolio on the final page in a-z order. Please note that all tasks are reflections on aspects of your learning on your course and should be completed in the first person (i.e. I, me, my), and should make use of learning/study skills theory referenced in Harvard format.
Portfolio Task 1: Individual Profile And Reflection On Your Learning (750 Words)
1a) Individual Profile
Write a 250-word introduction profile of yourself. This profile should include:
- A brief introduction to yourself and your interests related to your degree course. What is your motivation for choosing this course? What are your career aspirations?
- What do you see as the challenges you face learning at university?
- Please add a photo of yourself to your profile
1b) Reflection On Your Learning
Write a 500-word reflection Assignment on your learning strengths and weaknesses* starting with a reflection on your learning before you started this course*, use the results from the learning styles questionnaires** to reflect upon strategies adopted to help you to succeed with your course***. Your reflection should make use of learning and study skills theory 3+ references (e.g. Stella Cottrell) use this to understand strategies to help you succeed and include examples of support*** you have used or intend to access to turn your weaknesses to strengths.
to include in your reflection and to be attached as an appendices:
*Pre learning styles assessment to include strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis.
You will need to complete the pre-learning styles assessment* -this is the starting point for your reflection - and you will explain how you have learnt in the past (before starting your course)-detail your perceived strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to your learning.
**learning styles questionnaires: Honey and Mumford, VARK, Left Brain/Right Brain
Complete the learning styles assessments**-how do these confirm or differ to your perceptions of your strengths and weaknesses identified in your pre-learning styles assessment?
***Support accessed: study skills support, personal tutor.
Portfolio Task 2: Reflection On Group Work (750 Words)
Making reference to your own and your group/class members Belbin Team Roles Questionnaires* write a 750-word reflection on your individual and team performance in a group/class task** from this semester. How did you organised your activity? How cohesive was the group? What have you learnt from your successes/failures? What would you do differently next time? Use relevant theory e.g. Belbin to underpin your answer incorporating 3+ references. You should include supporting documentation*** to support your reflection and include as appendices.
*Belbin Team Roles Questionnaire: Complete the Belbin Questionnaire, this will provide you with an overview of your preferred team role/s. Include as an appendix in your portfolio. It would be useful to share the results of your Belbin Questionnaire with the group/class members with whom you interacted and to make reference to the Belbin roles of your group/class members and to reflect upon how the identified roles helped/hindered your performance in the task.
** Group task: You may select a group/class activity of your choice from the semester to reflect upon.
*** Supporting documentation: Belbin Questionnaire, group planning documentation e.g. email communication, artifacts such as PowerPoint slides, photos, communication records.
*from a range of sources e.g. books, reports, journal articles, web pages and newspaper articles as appropriate.
Portfolio Task 3: Reflecting On Performance And Action Planning For Semester 2 (750 Words)
Write a 750-word reflective account of your performance in Semester 1, include resources to evidence your engagement with study skills support - utilise study skills books to underpin your discussion incorporating 3+ references.
3b) Create An Action Plan For Semester 2-using Supplied Pro-forma.
Your reflection and action planning* should be based on your learning across all of your Semester 1 modules and should contain SMART objectives based upon identified threats and weaknesses to your learning with corresponding actions for turning these to strengths and successes. The work must be clearly structured and must make reference to appropriate study/research skills texts and all sources used must be fully referenced according to Harvard conventions incorporating 3+ references into part 3a. Include supporting documentation to illustrate your learning journey**.
*Action plan on provided form
**Support accessed: study skills support, personal tutor.
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